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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. A message from Kickstart

    A message from Kickstart

    25 February 2020 (by headmarton)

    ..following Nursery information sent earlier.

    Dear Parents and Carers


    Following the correspondence sent out by Mrs Deakin and the School Governors regarding the potential appointment of a new nursery provider, Kickstart would like to outline how this would impact the wrap around provision that is currently provided.


    Kickstart has an excellent working relationship with the Marton & District School Family and we have this morning met with Mrs Deakin to look at how these changes, if adopted, could be implemented for the benefit of the children and the whole school family.


    It is proposed that Kickstart Childcare will be relocated if Footprints is established and will have the use of the main school hall, year 2 classroom and outdoor space.  We have agreed a number of logistical changes to the hall, including storage, display boards and the use of the kitchen area.  Kickstart are confident that the move will not affect in any way the quality of the provision and the care that we provide to the children.


    The main impact on parents/carers would be that children will now be dropped off and collected at the hall door – for safeguarding reasons, this will contain a bell/buzzer and a number pad for access and it will be locked at all times.

    Due to having access to the Year 2 classroom, sports clubs will continue to run and this was something the school were very keen to protect.


    The addition of Footprints to the Marton & District School Family is something that Kickstart fully support as we always want what is best for the children and we believe that this provider is best positioned to provide a high quality pre-school.


    Kickstart Childcare