Meet the teacher
Seesaw Learning Journal
Please remember to keep a close eye on your Seesaw account.
We will be using this learning platform to keep you up to date with your child's learning and key events.
We use Little Wandle for our phonics and reading. This term we will be starting on phase 3.
we will continue to segment longer words and learning lots more digraphs and trigraphs.
Please see the Little Wandle website for more information including how to say the sounds correctly.

Click here to find out about Early Years Foundation Stage.
Mrs Owen and Miss Forster have the pleasure of teaching the amazing reception.
We are the smallest learners at Marton School. We are always busy and happy.
We are friends, explorers, thinkers, artists and inventors but most importantly we are superstars!
Once you step inside our classroom door, you become part of our class. You can join in the fun, feel the excitement and experience our learning.
Let's look at our Spring adventures!
As we welcome the new calendar year, we start a very exciting time. We have lots to learn in phonics, maths and all aspects of our personal development. Please continue to support us a home with our homework and reading. We are all part of this learning journey together!