Special Days
Christmas Lunch!
Census day 2021 - well done for collecting all your statistics Marton! We loved doing this in our classes.
World Book Day 2021
Look here at our wonderful Book in a Box winning entries!
50 Years of Marton and District Primary School!
World Book Day 2020
A visit from Reverend Gilbertson - Arch Deacon of Chester!
Revd Gilbertson led worship and then met with our super ethos group. We were delighted to welcome him to Marton!
Vision Day January 2020
We celebrated our new vision by showcasing KS1 art work done with artist Chris Gilbert. It has been displayed on the outside of school.
Christmas at Capesthorne 2019
Young Voices - January 2018
Diversity Day - 6th November
This Monday we all celebrated Black History Month (albeit a little late!) by working with African drummer, Adam. African told us all about the traditional djembe drum (a goat skin-covered goblet drum). We played the drum in a variety of ways using our hands in a variety of ways. We then used our new-found drum skills to play the traditional call and response, African song Che Che Koolay.
Robotics Day - 4th October
Four children from Year 3&4 went to another school for a day of robotic learning! They had a fantastic day creating their own amazing robots.
British Values day - 29th September 2017
We had a fantastic day celebrating British Values day whilst wearing our PJs (for Macmillan). We had an amazing range of activities that celebrated the diversity of our wonderful country including art, games, singing and more.
School Election - 9th June 2017
Results are in!
Conservatives 71 Labour 37 Greens 63
Abbie and Charlie who represent the Conservatives were delighted with today's win and a date has been set for them to meet with governors to discuss their pledges.
School Election - 8th June 2017
Everyone has voted today, we're all looking forward to hearing the results tomorrow!
School Election - 7th June 2017
This week we have held our own school election. As our local community visits us to vote, we too are voting in our very own polling booth in the school hall. Year 3,4 and 5 have created their own parties with leaders, deputy leaders and their own manifestos. The party leaders articulately presented their parties' manifestos to the school this afternoon (you can view these below) and encouraged everyone to vote tomorrow. They then fielded some difficult questions from the inquisitive Year 6, well done leaders! We have had some very interesting discussions this week! Keep an eye out for our results on Friday morning.
Our Manifestos
The Green Party
The Conservative Party
The Labour Party
World Book Day - March 2017
Local illustrator Allie Pottinger and North Rode author, Henry G Sampson visited Marton School to show us their recently published book Freddy's Flying Adventures. After listening to the captivating story KS2 were able to ask insightful questions about the book.