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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head’s Up!

    Head’s Up!

    17 April 2020 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter holidays and the glorious weather we have had. I think this has been the saving grace during the lockdown we are currently in and it has made ‘staying home’ that much easier.

    It has been a pleasure to see so many children and families have enjoyed being in the garden and making lots of things, thank you all so much for keeping in touch with us via Seesaw.

    By Friday 24th April staff will upload your child’s Spring term report via Seesaw. This report is based on teacher assessments, spring assessments conducted before school closed and the work your children have completed to date. If you have not yet signed up to Seesaw I will be calling parents on Monday to see if we can help you.

    We have now heard that lockdown will continue for another three weeks in the fight to reduce the number of Covid 19 victims.

    There has been much speculation regarding school openings but as yet we have not received any advice in which to share with you. School will therefore remain closed apart from opening as a care provision centre for children of critical workers only.

    If you are a critical worker, please can you email me before 6pm on Sunday each week and confirm what days you will need your children to attend the care provision. This is to ensure we have the adequate staffing available.

    Children attending care provision will need packed lunches, snacks and drinks. Children are welcome to wear masks if you have these at home.

    Wishing you all a lovely weekend, continue to keep safe and please do tell your children we are ALL missing them LOTS!

    Take care, Nevin