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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 6 News
    3. Good morning

    Good morning

    26 March 2020 (by Year6)

    Good morning Year 6. 

    Don't forget to keep checking SeeSaw for new home learning activities. You can add photos of anything you have done from the packs you have taken home too.

    You don't need to complete all of the activities set. For some people there will be too many, for some people there won't be enough. We're still finding out feet with this way of learning so I am still trying to find the right balance. I know that everybody's days are different at the moment so some people have more time than others. However, I would like to see some work from everybody please, at least a couple of times a week if possible. You should know that I can see who has viewed the tasks I've set - so I know who is just ignoring me ;) Doing some work will help to keep you busy and give you some structure so please do have a go!

    I'm getting ready to join in with Joe Wicks at 9am. Who's joining me?

    Stay safe.

    Love, Mrs Wilson