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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. School Closure

    School Closure

    23 March 2020 (by headmarton)

    Update 23.03.20

    We were so pleased to note that many parents have heeded the Government’s advice to self-isolate and keep children at home. Your children’s safety is paramount to us and we hope all our children stay well.


    A number of adults were present with me today at ‘school’ and several children attended the care provision. We have to keep a record daily of what children are attending the provision so the DFE can record the amount of critical workers using these facilities. Steve at Hollinshead has asked for an idea of pupils numbers that may need transport but no children used school buses today. If you will need transport and you are an ESSENTIAL critical worker can you please let school know.


    We are all delighted with the record of activities that children are completing on Seesaw – many thanks for supporting your children so well at home. Our lovely school nurse, Emma has been in touch with the following message:

    I just wanted to let you know that the school health service is still available for parents to contact us. We have a daily manned duty line and although staff are working remotely and will not be carrying out face to face visits we are more than happy to have telephone contact or parents to follow our Facebook page that we will try to keep updated with relevant information for parents and children 


    There are many online tutorials and ideas to share with children: writing a daily diary log, accessing UNICEF’s Paddington’s postcards, daily PE tasks with Joe Wicks and listening to stories read by favourite authors. We really have begun to witness the very best in people.


    Always your friend, Nevin