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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. A message to Families

    A message to Families

    23 March 2020 (by headmarton)

    From Marton F & F

    Marton Friends and Family would like to offer our Support and where possible our help. 


    Firstly we would like to thank Mrs Deakin and the amazing team for the exemplary way in which they have all pulled together in this crisis, the way in which the situation has been explained to our children, all of the work behind the scenes to ensure that the children have access to learning materials and the speed at which unfolding details and changing policies and legislation have been acted upon and communicated to our Friends and Family. Much more could be said and explained but a massive Thank You is deserved!! 


    It is now time to come together (not literally) as I’m sure we already are, however we don’t want anyone to feel as though they are on their own in this  season. There will be potentially people unable to leave the house and need a little help with supplies, households with Keyworker parents who are working every hour that they can, lone parents, parents who already have struggles which make this season unbearable, families dealing with grief. 

    We would like to think that all our families know that they can trust us to be a hub for people to offer help through and request help through. 


    Please let us know if you would be willing to make phone calls, give lifts emergency only, do shopping trips etc. 


    Use or 

    Our Facebook page

    To get in touch with offers of help and requests for help and we will do our best at this time 




    Andrew McDonnell
