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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News


    19 March 2020 (by headmarton)


    Dear Parents and Carers


    Following Government advice school will be closed from Friday to support the Coronavirus outbreak.


    However schools are hoping to be open 9.00 – 3.30pm for Key Workers children who need childcare. This is obviously dependent on the number of staff who will be able to come into schools.


    I have advised children today that should they come into school on Monday they will need to bring their home learning packs with them as this is what they will be working on as their peers are doing at home. I can appreciate that most of you will want to keep your children at home and as a staff we too have children at home that also need supporting. I would therefore urge you to not only support their home learning but their emotional and physical wellbeing too.


    I have received a request from Cheshire East School Governance to supply them with urgent information and I need your replies by 1pm.


    They are trying to establish what families would need to access school from Monday. These are the children were both family members are key workers. Although the definition of a Key Worker keeps changing the advice we have been given suggests the following:


    Emergency Service

    Essential NHS staff

    Social Workers


    School transport

    Education/ settings staff


    School Governance also need the number of children who are eligible for school transport. Please can you confirm if you are ELIGIBLE.


    As yet we have not received confirmed advice regarding free school meals but it is likely that schools will purchase vouchers for the children who are eligible for these. I will share this guidance with you asap.


    We therefore need this information ASAP.


    Please either reply to Sandra on or myself on


    I can appreciate as a parent that you are all in a difficult position and everything feels very uncertain. I have conducted an assembly today and confirmed to everyone that we will continue to be TEAM MARTON, our school family and we want to make sure our Marton children continue to have a good school experience. The support you have shown the staff has been incredible and we feel pretty overwhelmed by it.



    With my very best wishes to you and your families, Nevin