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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    28 February 2020 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    Welcome back to school!



    What a busy week this has been? We cannot thank you enough for the support and encouragement you have shown towards the proposed closure of the school nursery and the opportunity to welcome Footprints to Marton! We have met several times this week and had the pleasure of introducing each team: Footprints, Kickstart, Staff and Governors to each other and it has all felt extremely positive.

    Footprints will be coming to meet parents soon and I will continue to update you on this process. As we are in a consolation period, please can I remind you to address any comments to Mrs Furness or myself before 25th March, many thanks.



    We began the week with our Brownies dressed in their uniforms for World Thinking Day and by welcoming Chris Gilbert, Rev Arch and Rev Naylor supporting our Christian Values Day. A special Communion worship took place and later Chris was able to work with some children on an art project. Whilst he was in school, he and Mr Moss erected the Sow, Nurture, Grow pillars in our prayer garden – do take a look at these as they are beautiful!




    The date for the F & F Fashion Show has now been changed and will take place on Monday 15th June and we will send further details out nearer the time. Our F & F AGM will take place on Tuesday 17th March @ 3.45pm and we really need your support! The Friends and Family do so much at school and support us as much as they can for the benefit of our children. We therefore would encourage all families (grandparents, aunts and uncles etc) and friends to join us! A crèche will be available.




    Many thanks to the parents/carers who have responded about the proposed residential to France. We are gathering these responses and will be discussing these in depth at the next Parent’s Surgery which takes place on Friday 27th March @ 9.10am. Please do attend if you are able! Warm bacon rolls and drinks are provided too!




    I have had the pleasure of receiving lots of positive news about some very special children at school this week: Emi in Year 6 had great success skiing over half term and is a champion now, Zoe in Year 1 is in the Congleton Chronicle (twice!) this week for great acts of kindness and George in Reception independently wrote a paragraph using full stops, finger spaces, capital letters and super vocabulary!!



    With best wishes for the weekend