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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Come along to parents surgery tomorrow!

    Come along to parents surgery tomorrow!

    17 October 2019 (by S Copestick (Year1))

    It’s an exciting year at Marton and District CE Primary School! As we celebrate our 50th Year, Marton will be relaunching it’s vision for the future – for the school and for all those who journey through it.

    We would like you to be a part of developing our vision because our Marton Families form such a valued part of our school community.
    Please come along to parents surgery tomorrow, where we will be asking your views in the development of a new school motto that will not only represent what our school is all about, but form a lasting legacy.
    Come to have your voice heard and support us in this important development for the school.
    We start at approx. 9.15am
    We hope to see you there
    Y5 and Y6 Ethos Group