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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Year 4 - 6 Parents and Carers

    Year 4 - 6 Parents and Carers

    3 October 2019 (by headmarton)

    Further Communion Info

    We thought you may appreciate some clarification over the weekly Communion sessions we are holding for children in Years 4 – 6 with Rev Arch and Rev Naylor.


    Each Thursday for 5 weeks the children will be taking part in weekly RE lessons concentrating on the meaning of baptism and communion for Christians. From today, we have had 3 of these sessions and they have been really informing and enjoyable.


    Rev Arch and Rev Naylor have produced beautiful booklets for the children to use and rather than send these home (as the children will need to work on them through the weekly sessions) they have also prepared a ‘home’ booklet for children.


    The Communion booklet is purely if children want to read and respond to some of the RE work we are doing at school each week with Rev Arch and Rev Naylor. It’s also an opportunity for families to discuss together the work the children are doing.


    After the 5 sessions all children will attend a special day at Foxhill (near Frodsham) on Friday 15th November. There is no cost for this as school will provide the transport, and lunch will also be provided for everyone. More information about this trip will be sent, as well as permissions sought, after half term.


    To be clear, children will then be asked (with family support) if they want to progress in receiving Communion at Worship in the future. If they do, and have your support, there will be a special service in Marton Church where they receive communion for the first time, with their families there to support them.


    Please note, allowing children to receive communion in this way is different to Confirmation. It allows children to take a full part in the communion services we have in school, or at any church. Confirmation is something they may wish to do later, when they take responsibility for their own faith as young adults.


    If you would like any further information, please do contact me at school or you are welcome to contact Rev Arch and Rev Naylor.


    Revd I Arch email:

    Revd A-M Naylor email:

    Vicarage contact details: 01260 224447


    With best wishes

    Mrs Deakin