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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 6 News
    3. JCA information reminder

    JCA information reminder

    28 June 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton))

    Here is a reminder of the information previously sent out regarding the residential next week.

    Please find below a kit list of suggested items for children to pack for our residential trip in July. 

    Please note that electrical items (including phones) are not permitted. Any such items will be confiscated and returned at the end of the trip. 

    As you can imagine, with a large number of children on site, it can be difficult to find lost items unless they have been named. Therefore, please can all belongings be clearly named and can luggage have a label showing your child’s name and school. 

    On the morning of Monday 1st July, children should arrive at school and leave their luggage at the front, close to the turning circle so that it can be easily transferred to the coach. We will be leaving at approximately 9.15 am and you are welcome to stay to wave goodbye to your child. If they will be travelling to school on the bus, please can you speak to the driver / bus company to arrange for them to travel with their luggage. 

    Medical information should have been included on the system when you made payment for the trip on ParentPay, please let us know if there are any changes. Any medicines you send on the trip (including hayfever tablets, travel sickness tablets etc) will need to be clearly labelled with your child’s name and dosage and handed to an adult on the Monday morning, with a completed medication form (available from the office). Please do not pack medicines in bags/cases or allow your child to administer these themselves. 

    There is a small gift shop for the children to purchase souvenirs and sweets. If you would like your child to bring money, please send up to £10 in a named purse or envelope. 

    The children will be visiting Hawkstone Park Follies on the way to Condover Hall, where they will have a picnic lunch. Please can you provide your child with a packed lunch and drink (no glass bottles) in a disposable carrier bag. If you would like a school packed lunch to be provided, please order a sub choice on ParentPay.  

    Suggested kit list 


     Night wear 


    Pairs of socks (including plenty of spares) 

    Trousers (It is important that the children do not wear jeans whilst doing the activities for safety and comfort reasons) 



    Long sleeved top  - Jumper/sweatshirt/fleece  (these are necessary for some activities, regardless of  the weather) 

    Waterproof jacket/anorak 

    Waterproof trousers or trousers that can get muddy 



    Trainers or other substantial footwear, plus extra to get wet/dirty 





    Soap / Shower gel 

    Hair products i.e. shampoo/conditioner 

    Hair ties (for long hair) 

    Sun cream 


    Book/magazine to read 

    Water bottle 


    Disposable camera 

    Small Torch