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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Michael's Mountain!

    Michael's Mountain!

    15 May 2017 (by headmarton)

    He climbed Snowdon!

    As I hope you will all know, Michael in Year 4 successfully completed his ascent of Snowdon at the weekend; which is a fantastic achievement!!! We are all so very proud of him. If you have pledged sponsorship money but not yet paid here's how to do it: Please send your money in a sealed envelope marked Snowdon Sponsorship and make sure you put your name on it so we can tick you off our list. Either drop the envelope in at the school office or ask your child to hand in to their teacher. If you're sending a cheque please make it payable to Marton PTA in a marked envelope. If you've not yet sponsored but would like to that's fine...every £1 counts. Please check with your children if they may have pledged money at school...there has been a sponsorship form doing the rounds. Huge thanks and congratulations to Michael and his family xx