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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. School meal price increase

    School meal price increase

    27 November 2023 (by officemarton)

    Commencing January 24

    Dear Parents and Carers


    We have been advised that Cheshire East catering will be increasing the cost of school meals and ingredients and all schools are having to accept that they will have to increase their daily meal costs too. 


    We all know that food, heating and services are increasing and therefore after Christmas we will also have to increase the cost of a school meal to £2.50 per day. 


    This cost is in keeping with other local schools and is actually lower than some schools. We wanted to give you all as much notice as possible and hope you understand that we too are disappointed to have to do this. 


    From January ParentPay will reflect this price change. 


    Thank you

    Nevin Deakin