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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. A message for Families

    A message for Families

    20 July 2023 (by headmarton)

    From Sue Furness, Chair of Governors

    The  2022/23 academic year has provided opportunities and challenges which have been addressed by myself and my fellow governors.

    Our governing body is comprised of

    7 Foundation Governors

    2 Parent appointed Governors

    1 LEA appointed Governor

    1 Staff appointed Governor

    Head teacher


    I am pleased to say that during the year we have had a full complement of governors. As a body during the year we undertake to carry out key responsibilities of setting a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, holding the Head teacher to account to ensure that all pupils have the best possible education and overseeing the financial performance of the school.

    Our three subcommittees (Foundation, Management and Standards) focus on their specific areas to ensure that we can undertake our duties in a professional manner feeding into our full governing body termly meetings.


    We work closely with the school staff in setting the vision and strategy. We have link governors for all subjects and for many key areas of responsibility within school. Meeting on a regular basis with the staff links ensures transparency, that we hold the school to account and challenge management decisions to achieve the best possible outcomes for all our pupils. Together with the staff we work as a strong cohesive team – which underpins our Marton family.

    Through a skills audit we ensure that we use experience and knowledge in the most effective way. As a full governing body we undertake to commit to at least 3 training courses a year to ensure that as a whole we are up to date and skilled.


    September 2022 saw us with our Ofsted visit, a little sooner than we had anticipated but we were ready and all went well. The staff and governors felt that it was a very positive experience and a good start to the year. Our GOOD outcome helped us focus on our strategic direction for 2022/23 and we have worked through that over the past months.


    Our children have had a very positive year and have made good progress on their education journeys. The KSII SATS results are marvellous and a real testament to all involved. They cannot do this alone. Many thanks to all parents and carers alongside all the teaching staff – classroom teachers and teaching assistants who have worked together with the children to achieve this. Team Marton works very effectively as a family all looking to support whoever needs it . During the year we have embraced our Ukrainian children who have flourished in what has been challenging times for them. They are a key part of our school with their dedication to their education.


    As we approach the end of this academic year we are so pleased to have retained the local small schools sports award once again. Hard work, dedication, determination and team work alongside our ASM sports provider’s support and support from an ex international athlete brought together  the success.


    On reflection 2022/23 has been a very successful but challenging year. Our vision and values have helped everyone with in the Marton family to flourish and succeed in their own way. Going forward we are looking to our next challenges and opportunities one of which will be a SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection where we will be looking at our vision and values in depth.


    On behalf of myself and my fellow governors wishing you all a good summer break.


    Sue Furness


    Chair of Governors