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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Y1 information

    Y1 information

    6 March 2022 (by S Copestick (Year1))

    Y1 Children should wear PE kit on Monday for our additional ASM session, Victorian dress on Tuesday for our class trip and a PE kit for our usual PE day.

    It's another exciting couple of weeks ahead for Y1 and I thought you'd appreciate some reminders.

    Tomorrow, Y1 will take part in a Jack and the Beanstalk Drama workshop. We will also have our team building ASM session so your children should wear their PE kit.

    On Tuesday, we're looking forward to seeing your child wearing a Victorian costume for our class trip to the unveiling of the Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy statue in Congleton. Please aim to pick up your child from school at 12.15 if you have arranged this, as Miss Clarke and I will only leave once we know all of the children we are expecting to be picked up have left. 

    PE will be as usual on Thursday.

    On Friday, our School council will be selling Red Noses from 3.15pm for £1.50 outside the school office. They will also be selling them all of the week after (week commencing 14th March) too ready for Red Nose Day on Friday 18th March. Ella and Hector are our Y1 class reps and have been involved in making special plans with the rest of the school council. They are asking for a £1 donation on Red Nose Day (18th) for wearing something red with uniform, and we hope you can support this good cause.

    With thanks

    Miss Copestick