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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    21 January 2022 (by headmarton)

    Weekly message from Mrs Deakin

    There has been much to celebrate and enjoy at school and we are all enthused about our ‘Marton Magic Moments’ of which there have been many. We remain as a staff forward thinking and collaborative and if you were to join our team, would soon find that we all share the same vison and live our school values.


    We have therefore been very saddened to hear there are a small number of parents who are unhappy at school and despite being approachable, accountable and transparent feel that we are not communicating enough with you all.


    These concerns have kindly been shared by other parents who are disappointed that a small number of parents are criticising us when in fact there are several channels to do so. This makes us feel as a staff very sad. We are unable or indeed would not want to post replies back to parents via social media etc. but in response to the comments aired this week:


    • All messages and communication are posted on the school jotter, throughout the day

    • All parents have a direct access to Seesaw and many staff respond to parents messages at the weekend – in their own time

    • As parents you have already agreed and signed for children to attend local trips and therefore trips that have taken place this week DID have parental permission

    • All staff are employed across the school and at times (especially Covid times) there has been staff movement, however this is always in support of children and in keeping with our inclusive nature

    • All parents have direct access to me or to Mrs Field and our email addresses are on every piece of information

    • I pride myself on answering every email that is sent to me or via the school office for my attention on the day I receive this and I remain dedicated and proud to do so

    We conduct monthly Parents Surgeries (the dates of which are sent on the annual overview in September) and a school governor always attends, regardless of the number of parents attending and yet none of these concern have ever been brought to our attention.


    Much discussion takes place in all schools regarding the Home – School relationship and we are currently revising our Home School Agreement to reflect our school values; Agape, Justice and Communion. Values that I strongly believe are in abundance at Marton school. We are always self-critical and seek ways in which to improve however communication with parents is something we celebrate. Please continue to know that we are all professional in our manner and remain united in our vision for wanting the best for the children in our care, we seek positive relationships with parents as we know this benefits children greatly.


    With best wishes, Nevin Deakin