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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Outdoor Performances and Covid Measures

    Outdoor Performances and Covid Measures

    2 December 2021 (by headmarton)

    Message for Families posted 02.12.21

    Much discussion has taken place this week regarding the new Covid variant and procedures at school. Whilst these have little effect at primary school it is really important that families are continuing to support us in keeping everyone safe.


    The Cheshire East guidance suggests that families still undertake LFT’s and book a PCR following any positive result or Covid symptoms.


    If a member of your household tests positive on a PCR, the Cheshire East guidance is all family members stay at home for 5 days. This is to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Please do continue to support everyone.


    We have been asked about Christmas performances and as there are no national restrictions we can go ahead with our Outdoor performances as we had originally planned. All dates have been added to the school jotter several times but we would encourage the following:


    • We will be outside, please wrap up warm and if you would prefer to wear a face mask, please do so.

    • Please continue to conduct an LFT prior to arriving at school and do not attend if you test positive.

    • Please do not attend if you have any COVID-19 symptoms or felt generally unwell 10 days before the performances

    • Children will remain in class bubbles, please do not enter school

    • Mulled wine and mince pies will be available for collection outside the kitchen, there is no cost for these although donations are always welcome  

    We are hoping that the guidance remains but ask for your patience and understanding if events have to change.

    Best wishes, Nevin Deakin