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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Zoom Parent's Surgery

    Zoom Parent's Surgery

    24 November 2021 (by headmarton)

    Friday 3rd December @ 9.10am

    Our next Parent's Surgery will take place via Zoom on Friday 3rd December @ 9.10am and we hope you can all join us as this meeting will be to support you with Online Safety. Mrs Sparey will be joining us as our Computing lead.


    Parent's Surgery is a chance for you as parents and carers to discuss any thoughts or enquiries you may have and provides us with a meaningful discussion. As Headteacher, I always look forward to these as they provide a professional dialogue and opportunity to seek parental views. I am lucky that School Governors share this commitment and 1 or 2 governors always join me for these monthly meetings.


    During our November meeting, we sought some parental views about Parent’s Surgeries and they were kind enough to write the following messages for you:


    Matt Worth: I see the parents surgery as a direct line to the management team to receive information & updates.  It gives me the opportunity to raise any concerns; or just sit back and listen in a friendly forum.


    Andy McDonnell: I attend parents surgery whenever possible, as it gives me a regular insight into the life of school and the areas of the curriculum which school would benefit from parent engagement. It has been an opportunity to question and enquire of the future plans for the school. I feel that I belong and my voice is valued, especially during a time when socially in many areas of life I’ve felt disconnected.


     I hope you are able to join our Zoom, details are:

    Meeting ID: 916 386 6394
    Passcode: 2242



    In the New Year we are (really) hoping that we can return to F2F meetings.


    Best wishes Nevin