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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    12 November 2021 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    This week Rev Arch conducted Zoom Worship from beautiful Siddington Church. It is a real pleasure that we are all able to experience our Churches in this way and we thank Rev Arch for supporting us all. Next Tuesday its is Christian Values Day and we will be outside travelling around our Footsteps of Faith (way marker posts) discussing the theme of Justice. All thanks to Miss Copestick and Staff who have planned this day. Children wear uniform as normal but may wear outdoor shoes/wellies if they would like to.


    On Monday we will be welcoming East Cheshire Hospice to talk about our Jingle Bell Jog which will take place outside on Friday 10th December (wearing Christmas jumpers). They have provided sponsorship envelopes but we would prefer you to send a donation as we know this is a busy time of year for families. East Cheshire Hospice have suggested £3.00 payment for the Festive Headgear that we will all wear on this day too. Please can you return this as soon as you can.


    Many thanks to parents and carers for already paying for the Theatre trip, please can any outstanding payments be paid ASAP.


    Thank you to the children who sent in their Christmas poster designs for Friends and Family. Syd Marshall was chosen for KS1 and Minnie Wright was chosen for KS2. F & F provided the winners with a chocolate treat during Celebration assembly. Well done all!


    Scooter Skills day on Tuesday was such a great success, ASM coaches were awesome and everyone had fun!


    Next Friday Mrs Taylor Potts will leave school to start work at Footprints. We wish Rachel the best of luck and will get to see her every day as she will be close by! We will be presenting her with leaving gifts next week if you would like to send any donations into the school office. Many thanks.


    Play leaders have chosen: Harry, Hector, Nora, Nathaniel and Artie to have Hot Chocolate with me this afternoon; well done children!


    This week we sat and discussed CHRISTMAS … we are all so keen to still hold our annual performances but mindful of Covid rates, so I am delighted to tell you that we are aiming to conduct these outside and invite you all. Advance notice to wrap up warm!!


    Special dates are:


    KS1 Outdoor Nativity Tuesday 14th December @ 2pm


    KS2 Outdoor Carol Concert Wednesday 15th December @ 6.30pm


    Wishing you all a great weekend, Nevin Deakin