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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    25 June 2021 (by J Field (Year2))

    Head's up!

    Weekly news from Mrs. Deakin

    We all thoroughly enjoyed Move up morning this week and it was a pleasure to see the children in their 'new' classrooms. Many thanks for everyone in making this such an exciting event. Continued transition work will take place until the end of term and we hope your children will feel confident about returning to school after the summer holidays.

    We have seen a significant increase in pupil numbers and our Reception class in September now stands at 28. This is so pleasing for everyone involved at school and we thank you as Parents and Carers for all your recommendations and support. 

    This week we held our annual Sports Day and as always, the children (and staff) loved it! We are so disappointed that we can't invite you all to school to witness these special 'rites of passage' events but will continue to share good news with you as. Extra good news this week goes to Daisy in Year 4 for her awesome swimming!! We are all super proud of you!

    It gives me great pleasure today to announce our Head Boy and Head Girl for next year: Oliver Slack and Maddie Kingsland will represent school and we look forward to working with them to continue to promote pupil voice.

    Have a super weekend, Nevin