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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Reception News
    3. Reception - Buckets

    Reception - Buckets

    6 June 2021 (by Lena Owen (lowen))

    Good morning, 

    Well, what amazing weather we have had for half term. I'm sure all your children have loved it. 

    We are looking forward to seeing the class tomorrow for the final half term in reception. 

    Over the next few weeks, we will be reading a book about a little boy's bucket. To support our writing, we would like your child to bring in a small bucket with 3 items inside. The rule is - all 3 items have to fit inside the bucket! We are going to write about the items and what they would do with them. If all buckets / items could be in school by next Friday would be great. 

    Please make sure all items including the bucket has your child's name on. Please do not worry if you do not have a bucket at home, please just ask your child to bring in 3 small items. 

    Enjoy your Sunday. 

    With thanks 

    Mrs Owen, Mr Shaw and Miss Bedford