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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
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    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    12 March 2021 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    What a wonderful first week back!!


    It has been nothing but a pleasure to open our doors and welcome your children back to school, it almost felt September like! Shiny shoes, longer hair and all a little excited and a little bit nervous. Amazingly, children adapt so well and by mid-week; school felt ‘normal’. We have provided many opportunities for children to talk to staff and adults around school and I extend my thanks to the staff, particularly Mrs Woodmass and Mrs Potts for their wellbeing groups and surgeries that began this week.


    Some of you will remember that we launched  a ‘Daily Write’ before Christmas and I am delighted that we have continued this now we have returned. It is our hope to inspire children to write and have further opportunities to write during the school day, do please encourage them as much as you can at home too. I am currently leading a Writing Focus across Congleton Schools with Heads of Department from EBA and CHS and we hope to launch a writing project in the summer term that I will keep you updated about.


    We have met or emailed many parents this week and I am delighted our relationships with parents is so visible and accessible. Your involvement in your children’s education is paramount to a successful relationship and one we never lose sight of. You have trusted us to teach and care for your children and when we work together; that relationship blossoms. Please do make a note of the Zoom Parents Evenings that will take place after Easter holidays. This information was on my Head’s Up last week.


    Our next Zoom Parent Surgery will take place on Friday 26th March at the slightly later time of 9.30am so parents have time to get back home/work after dropping children at school.


    You will have all seen the message that was sent this morning from Mrs Furness and I regarding the summer term; many thanks for the lovely comments you have sent in about this.


    Wishing you all a super weekend, Nevin