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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Mid-week catch up!

    Mid-week catch up!

    10 March 2021 (by headmarton)


    It has been so rewarding to welcome all the children back to school this week and school is beginning to feel ‘normal’ again.


    As a staff we want to reassure you that we are supporting your children and their well-being too and doing this in a number of ways; class based, small group work and by familiarising children with the routines of school life. This will take time as children have not been in school for many months.


    I know a number of you are anxious about this return and we do totally understand your concerns; we are receiving a high number of emails regarding the return to school but wanted to reassure you that we anticipated children would feel anxious and would have forgotten the routine of school life. Please reassure your children that we are here to help and we all want the best for them, even when things seem challenging.


    Staff are conducting observations and assessments this week and we will be repeating these at the end of half term. PLEASE do not worry about these. We need to assess children’s gaps in learning and be able to plan our school work and activities to support them.


    Many thanks, Nevin Deakin