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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. SCHOOL MEALS UPDATE 08.01.21


    8 January 2021 (by headmarton)

    Whilst school is closed

    These arrangements are for 11 - 15th January

    If you are eligible for free school meals, a packed lunch will be provided and can be collected each day from the school kitchen at 12pm. If you are unable to collect this, please contact the school office and we will have this delivered for you.


    For ALL infant children – if you were also expecting an infant free school meal THIS WEEK you are welcome to collect a packed lunch (this will be a sandwich bag) from the school kitchen at 12pm. However, we cannot deliver these to all parents.


    Further information regarding food boxes to support eligible families has now been received and I will share this with you next week.


    If you are a critical key worker and your child is in school, unless they are an infant child and they receive a free school meal, please order a school lunch in the usual way or send your child to school with a packed lunch. There are no break time snacks available.

    Nevin Deakin