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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. A message from Miss Harvey

    A message from Miss Harvey

    6 October 2020 (by headmarton)

    Nurture Room - Can you help?


    Hello to Everyone


    I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of the wonderful parents of the children here at Marton and District Primary School.

    My name is Sally and I have recently been appointed at the school as a 1-1 teaching assistant. I have previously worked at a high school following the completion of the NCFE Cache level 2 & 3 supporting teaching and learning award.  I have since been offered the fantastic opportunity to work here with the reception children, which I absolutely love.


    This school not only offers exceptional standards of teaching, but also an extensive range of brilliant resources which serve to enhance the learning experience of everyone here.  We endeavour to ensure that we offer an inclusive environment where we promote equality for each individual in their learning journey.


    Because we believe that all individuals can benefit from specific learning resources and environments, I feel that this is an apt opportunity to express my desire to create a space for individuals to use in addition to the classroom and outside area.


    Marton is very lucky to have a Nurture Room which has been used regularly by students who thrive in an environment where they are able to enjoy a quiet space and some 1-1 time, focusing on interactive learning games, life skills, use of sensory equipment and reading.


    Looking after the facilities that we already have is very important to us, as is ensuring that we replenish equipment when necessary whilst being mindful of our school budget. Unfortunately, some things have become slightly worn over time having had many years of use.  Therefore, I am putting forth a request for your help!

    I feel that our Nurture Room would look so much smarter if we had a new two seater settee or maybe two occasional chairs and a nice rug, as unfortunately the ones that we have, have been water damaged from a leak some time ago. If by any chance there are any parents looking to get rid of either of the of the aforementioned, please consider donating them to us as we would be ever so grateful.


    I will be excited to reveal the 'new look' Nurture Room once it is completed and I'm sure that everyone in the school will appreciate the opportunity to have an extra space to enjoy. 

    Many thanks in advance!
