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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Friends and Family News

    Friends and Family News

    16 September 2020 (by headmarton)

    From Paul Green (F & F Chair)

    Greetings fellow parents and welcome to the F&F newsletter. 

    It goes without saying that life is somewhat unusual at the moment, and the current restrictions on social gatherings mean that we will not be able to hold meetings and social events as we would normally. This is particularly disappointing as we welcome new parents to our fund raising group. 

    We have already lost several fund raising opportunities through the lockdown months and we now need to focus on ways of raising much needed funds for the school through online means and projects that our children can engage in both at school and at home. 

    Our Treasurer, Andy McDonnell puts regular updates and invitations on the Facebook pages encouraging parents to sign up to the School Lottery and the EasyFundraising. These are by far the easiest ways to contribute toward our fundraising. The lottery provides you with the chance to win cash back whilst donating to school and the EasyFundraising generates funds while you are online shopping and it doesn't cost you anything.  

    Please take a few moments to sign up to either or both of these as they really can be a huge benefit to the school. 

    We will also be continuing with our Clothes4School collections, 

     ( drop off dates to be announced soon) and the Rudolph Cards for Christmas of course. 

    We are planning an online family quiz night for the Autumn, and the Christmas Shop and Raffle will also go ahead as usual. 


    We intend to hold an online open F&F meeting in the near future, this will most likely be on the Zoom platform which I’m sure most of you are familiar with. It's really easy to use and we’ll publish the invitation to join the meeting as soon as we can. 

    There will be a post on the Facebook page soon in the form of a poll. This to try and establish the most convenient meeting time, as our normal 3.45pm may not be the best time for parents and carers to be online. 


    Thanks for taking the time to read this, stay safe and hopefully we’ll see you all online soon. 


    F&F Chair.