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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Sports Challenge Week

    Sports Challenge Week

    3 July 2020 (by Year5)

    Good afternoon everyone,

    As Mrs Deakin has mentioned in her Heads Up, we have now appointed a new sports provider called ASM and we are really looking forward to working with them to develop the sport here at Marton.


    As a way of an introduction, ASM have provided us with some great challenges which the children can complete at home. On Monday, links will appear on the children’s Seesaw pages that have videos of one of the new coaches Kieran explaining to the children how to complete each of the 6 activities.


    There is also a score sheet to fill in and it would be fantastic to see some of your scores on Seesaw. The challenges have been targeted to either KS2 or EYFS and KS1. Please have a go at these great activities and I would like to wish Alex and his amazing team a warm welcome to our Marton family.


    Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward to seeing the results coming through shortly.


    Mr Marks