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01260 224482

    1. News
    2. The Duchess of Cambridge to lead an online assembly on mental wellbeing among children

    The Duchess of Cambridge to lead an online assembly on mental wellbeing among children

    17 June 2020 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton))

    Tomorrow, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’ and is based on a lesson plan which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools platform. This platform was developed in collaboration with children’s mental health charity Place2Be and encourages children to explore ways in which they can show kindness and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.

    The Mentally Healthy Schools platform can be accessed here:

    The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am on Thursday 18 June and can be accessed here:

    A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event.