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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    22 May 2020 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    I’d like to start my Head’s Up message this week by thanking everyone this’s been a very challenging week as we have had to make plans and revise them almost daily. Your patience and support has meant so much. We are conscious that we want to inform you all but not overwhelm you. Reassure you and respond to your concerns and continue to operate ‘school’.

    I am so lucky to have a team of staff and governors therefore that support all decisions and plans we make and I thank them all for their involvement.

    You will now have received the information regarding the phased return to school after the holidays and the staff are all busy preparing for this. As a result, they will not be setting any additional Seesaw activities over half term for your children. You and your children need a rest and I have advised the staff to also have a rest so that everyone feels refreshed for the last half term. I know many families are beginning to feel overwhelmed and this is a good time to have a breather and allow your children to rest too.

    After half term the staff will be sending out information to join the Library’s Virtual Summer Reading challenge - which seems like a great idea, so please do watch out for this.

    Please do join us on Sunday for Worship if you can, as this will be a special service for Rev Naylor. Please search 'Rural Daneside TV' on YouTube as this video will be live at 10am on Sunday morning. A Zoom meeting follows Worship and the details will be underneath the YouTube video. The meeting ID is: 880 3103 2617

    With best wishes for the weekend and half term, Nevin