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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    7 July 2023 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    What a week!!


    Winning Town Sports was just the perfect ending to a very busy and successful week. My thanks to everyone for taking part, cheering on, encouraging and supporting our children. We safely retained our title as winners and we all left CHS with happy hearts and sore throats! Our children looked so smart and each and every one of them represented school so well.


    We are now fast approaching the end of the term and still have so many exciting events to look forward to with year 6 Leaver’s Disco tonight and Eaton Garden party this weekend. Wishing everyone so much fun!


    Our thanks to F & F for last week’s disco which raised £400 and enjoyed by all. As an end of term treat F & F have offered to buy every child an ice cream so children will not need to bring any cash when the ice cream van visits on 17th July. We are all disappointed that F & F are ceasing this year but they are still able to fund the next two year's commitments. School will continue to offer lots of fund raising events as we know how enjoyable these are. For example, Miss Copestick will be writing to you on Monday with news of our Craftivism Market Stalls/Garden Party for Rev Arch which takes place on Wednesday 19th July from 1.30pm.


    Our year 6 children will also be running a tuck shop in the final week of the term too, don’t forget to encourage children to earn some pocket money to spend on sweeties before then!


    Instead of my Annual Overview, I have produced a 1 page summary of all key dates for the next academic year and this will be sent out electronically and as a paper copy on Monday – please keep it somewhere safe!


    With best wishes for the weekend (with lots of sunshine), Nevin