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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    21 April 2023 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    It has been a pleasure to welcome everyone (and the sunshine) back this week. To see the children playing on the school field is such a joy and causes much excitement around school. Daily I am reminded of how beautiful Marton is! For those of you that are new to our Marton Family, we use our school grounds as much as possible in the warmer weather. We also welcomed Mrs Patton to our staff this term and Year 1 have already made her feel very welcome.


    Our Year 4 children had an amazing day (and looked fantastic) for their Explorer Day on Monday, thank you Mr Stewart and children! We loved all your work and Twitter pics!


    Now that the weather has warmed up, Rachel will be selling ice lollies @ Snack Shack (40p each) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, all other snacks will remain the same. We never enforce but encourage children to have healthy snacks at playtime and would ask you to support us in this manner if your child brings snacks from home to eat. Please don’t forget water bottles too!


    We have some special Coronation news for you to celebrate King Charles:


    • On Friday 5th May Rachel will offer Coronation packed lunches with posh sarnies in special boxes and all children will eat outside for a whole school picnic.
    • On Friday 12th May ASM will deliver outdoor games and activities for a ‘party afternoon’ this will also support our Year 6 children at the end of their SATS week.


    As you will all know Mrs Jones will be leaving before the end of the summer to start her Maternity leave and we will be collecting for Baby Jones, if you would like to contribute please send any donations via the school office. Thank you.


    You may also have heard that Rev Arch will be leaving at the end of the Summer and we are all saddened by this but excited for his new ventures. Ian has been such a support to school as a Parent, Vicar and School Governor and we’d like to thank him for all his friendship. On Wednesday 19th July we will be having a Garden Party (with cake!) to celebrate him with children leading an Outdoor Worship and would like to invite you as parents and friends to join us too. Please join us on the school field from 1.30pm.


    All after school clubs begin next week, please confirm home times arrangements with your children too.


    Have a super weekend and enjoy the sunshine, Nevin

    P.S. Please can I thank you for all the beautiful comments you have posted about school this week on Social Media; they made us all feel so proud.