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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Mental Health Week

    Mental Health Week

    9 February 2023 (by Year6)

    13th - 17th February

    Next week is 'Marton Minds' week - a week in which we will be participating in activities to make us think about our feelings and what we can do when we are struggling with big emotions. The theme of the week is 'Let's Connect' so we will also be working on our relationships with others and how we can keep them positive and healthy.

    Every day next week, each class will take part in at least one activity designed to raise awareness and provide strategies for managing our feelings and friendships, so make sure you ask your children what they have been doing and keep an eye on Twitter (@TeamMarton) for updates and conversation starters.

    One of the lovely things we will be doing is 'Angel Week', in which each child is given the name of another child, for whom they will act as their angel - doing nice things for them and hopefully making their week a little brighter: they might hold a door open for them, write them a kind note or offer to play with them at playtime. Angels will be (secretly) assigned on Monday!