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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. It's Harvest Time!

    It's Harvest Time!

    6 October 2022 (by S Copestick (Year1))

    We're delighted to be welcoming back parents to join us in celebrating Harvest in school, so please do come along if you can at 9.30am on 12th October as each class has prepared a song to sing.

    For this years celebration we are asking pupils to bring up to 3 items to add to our Community pantry.  Many items will go in storage to support our community pantry throughout the year, and especially will support us in making up Christmas hampers this year!


    Items that you may consider donating are NON perishable items such as:

    Dried soups

    Cans of soup, veg, meat / fish

    Tea/coffee/hot chocolate/malted drinks


    Long life milk


    Ladies sanitary products

    Soaps and shampoo's


    Toothpaste and mouthwash

    Christmas speciality items - chocs etc

    Plus much more canned or boxed items


    You may send the items in a carrier bag, or dress them up in a harvest box - all donations are welcome!

    We will receive donations on Monday and Tuesday ready for the Harvest festival (however donations are welcomed all year round too.)


    Happy Harvest!