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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School Games Mark GOLD

    School Games Mark GOLD

    19 July 2022 (by Year5)

    Dear parents,

    I would just like to say a huge thank you to every child who has represented the school this year. We have had another very successful sporting year and it has been a credit to the children. This success has been capped off in the last two weeks, not by only regaining the Small Schools title at Town Sports (a title that we have held for the past 5 years) but also by being awarded GOLD for the School Games Mark.

    This award is a national based recognition of the commitment to physical activity, the commitment to sport for all children and competing in a large amount of inter-school competitions. This year, 77% of children in Key Stage 2 have represented the school in at least one inter-school sports competition. Some children have represented the school once and some have represented the school more than 10 times this academic year.

    This is a fantastic amount of participation and is a credit not only to the children but also to the parents, because we would not be able to attend these competitions without the ongoing support to drive the children to events and to coach the children on the side lines (and wash the kits).

    As part of the School Games Mark, we are aiming to create a legacy for the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, which are due to start in 9 days on 28th July. Today, your children will be coming home with a little legacy maker as a thank you from us here in school.

    For best results, find a sunny area (quite easy currently), place the seed ball in some soil and then water well. Keep watering the soil during germination (3-7 days) and then water as needed.

    Thanks once again for all the support with sport at Marton.



    Mr Marks