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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    1 July 2022 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    We have all enjoyed our Transition ‘Move Up Mornings’ this week and we hope your children are feeling excited and confident about September, their new class teachers and classrooms. Many thanks to all the staff for planning such thoughtful mornings for the children.


    Our new Reception children have been in again this week and enjoyed lunch in the hall, they were so grown up! Mrs Owen and Mr Shaw have now visited all feeder Nurseries or engaged in professional dialogue to support their transition and we look forward to welcoming more new families to our Marton Family. We hope the children loved their special gift from school!


    We have met with many parents this week; many thanks to the families that were able to join us for Parent Surgery today. I hope you all found this useful. I will share the presentation with you all when I receive this. We may be educators but we are also here to help in practical and supportive ways and are always willing to listen and help as much as we can. Life can be challenging and if you need help, please remember you are not alone. My email address is always available and a practical way to contact me.  

    Parents have emailed me about some of our superstars this week and sent me the following messages:


    James and Ollie took part in the Race for Life Muddy Kids at Tatton Park last week, despite being tired after cinema night. They ran 5k with lots of muddy obstacles and raised a massive £450 for Cancer Research.  We bumped into Emily and her sister along the way so they helped each other along. Between them they raised over £600.

    Maxx passed his level 3 swimming assessment and 10m badges! He also took part in the Muddy race for life for his Mamar that we are all so proud of.

    What great news!


    Friends and Family Cinema nights were a huge success and made £503.51 profit!! Well done all!


    Please can I remind everyone that children are NOT to go into the woods, this extends to before and after school. 

    Best wishes, Nevin