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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    10 June 2022 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    What a truly incredible first week back to school. We were all thrilled so many of you were able to join us and see all the beautiful work the children had completed both on the day and at home as part of the School Council’s Art Competition. The entries were amazing and I was so glad not to have to judge these as the quality and efforts were fantastic! Mrs Furness our Chair of Governors had the pleasure of choosing the winners and they were:


    First - Henry Year four

    Second - Erich Year two

    Third - Hector Year one 


    All children who entered the competition were awarded 10 House points today too! Very well done to everyone involved!


    We also have a special thank you to ALL the staff for planning such great activities and to Mrs Owen (our very own Queen) for creating this day along with the school council. These are the days we will remember for ever and we all felt so proud of our Team.



    Key diary dates for next week:


    All after school clubs resume next week and you will have received confirmation of these.



    On Tuesday it is Class Photo Day, please can all children come into school in full uniform, year 6 hoodies can be worn afterwards.



    Sports day takes place on Thursday and unless the weather is really awful, we will conduct these at the following times:



    EYFS @ 9.30am (this will last about 45 mins)


    KS1 @ 10.30am (this will last 60 mins)


    KS2 @ 1.30pm (this will last 90 mins)



    Friends and Family will run a refreshment stall selling cold drinks, popcorn and sweeties and we would urge you to bring picnic rugs/chairs if you wish. All sports day events take part on the school field and entrance will be via the side gate near Mad House.



    Wishing you all a super weekend, Nevin