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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Parent Governor Role

    Parent Governor Role

    23 October 2020 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton))

    Please find the documents on the school website This information has also been emailed to all parents today. Please contact the school office if you did not receive it.

    Dear Parents 

    You will all be aware that we currently have a vacancy on the governing body for a parent governor. This is a position which is elected by fellow parents and carries a four-year term of office. It carries a commitment of time and energy with the reward being part of the strategic running of your child’s school. 

    The makeup of the governing body in any school reflects the type of school ie it is its personality and includes all the relevant stakeholders. However, the work that the governing body is responsible for is very similar in any school.

    The governing body has three overriding functions- ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction together with holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and to oversee financial performance ensuring that the funds are well spent. 

    To ensure that we satisfy the above through strategic leadership and accountability we need a range of skills to be able to draw on and to use through our committee work which is where most of the tasks are undertaken. 

    Having recently reviewed the skills of the current governing body there are several skill sets that we require.

    A large part of the work of our governing body relates to the buildings and their maintenance. We are looking for someone with experience in the property field - health and safety and buildings maintenance are key areas that we need to fill.

    In addition, a legal background would be helpful with an eye to detail. A governing body is responsible for the policies of the school which need regular, timely review. Someone who can critically read and review policies would be useful.

    An analytical mind when looking at school data would also be an asset. 

    In addition to the above anyone serving as a governor is signing up to adhering to the Nolan principles of public life - selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

     In addition to the above we need “team “players who are able to devote their time and energy to supporting the school on its journey. We have important challenges in the not too distant future and are thus looking for not only the above skill set but for someone who has time to get involved. As there are many specialised areas training is available... currently on line, which supports the skills to undertake the role. 

    Mrs Deakin and myself will be holding a question and answer session on zoom on Monday 2nd November @ 2.30pm for anyone who is interested in this role of a parent governor. 

    I do hope that you will consider standing for the parent governor election to help move the school along on its journey. 

    Best wishes


    Sue Furness

    Chair of Governors 

    Sow Nurture Grow

    We are inspired by Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13. 31-32)