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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
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    3. Head’s Up!

    Head’s Up!

    8 May 2020 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    Can you believe it’s Friday again?

    I hope you are all planning something special to commemorate VE Day today. Many of the houses near me are dressed with flags and bunting and it’s so nice to wave to your neighbours and wish each other well. I know many of you are joining virtual picnics/street parties so don’t forget to tell us all about that next week on Seesaw.

    This weekend we will hopefully hear what the next steps will be following the Prime Ministers address on Sunday, there’s lots of speculation and thoughts about when schools will reopen and what provision will look like but this information has not yet been shared with schools. I have joined (many) meetings with other Headteachers both locally and nationally as we are all eager to tell our families the same information. As soon as we know the confirmed details we will share this with you all.

    I consider myself so incredibly fortunate in the support you as Parents and Carers have shown school during this time. The staff join me in our thanks and praise for you all. Your emails, letters, texts have really meant so much. Thank you for trusting us to make decisions which haven’t always been easy but are the very best outcomes for your children.

    Next week all of the schools across Congleton would like children to dress up as a Superhero, you can choose to do this on a day that suits your family, maybe on Thursday for supporting our wonderful NHS or Friday for end of the week routine..whatever works for your family. If you are able to donate to a NHS charity then please do so but really the focus is on recognising that each one of us are special! If you are able to send any pictures to staff before Thursday then we will do our best to upload these into a short film. The staff will be dressing up next week as their chosen Superhero so look out for next week’s video!

    With all my love and best wishes always Nevin