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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 4 News
    3. Year 4 play at Manchester City

    Year 4 play at Manchester City

    9 December 2018 (by Year5)

    Football tournament at Manchester City

    On Friday, I had great pleasure in taking 10 children from Year 4 to a football tournament at Manchester City's training ground at The Ethiad campus.

    It was an early start for the boys but the trip was well worth it. They got to play against schools from all across the Manchester area in front of some of the Manchester City scouts.

    Results did not go our way, however the boys did not let that spoil their day. They played with pride, passion and conviction and were unlucky to be beaten on penalties in the play-off round.

    The boys behaved impeccably and their day was made even better when they spotted the City 1st team practicing through the window.

    Thank you very much to all the parents who offered to drive the boys and came to support.

    I hope to be able to offer these opportunities to Year 5 and Year 6 later in the school year.

    Mr Marks